Thai Forest Dhamma

in the tradition of Lungphu Mun Bhuridatto

and his western disciples

Dhamma Talks: Listen Online

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Dhamma talk given byAjahn Martin
TitleGoing on holiday: going in the fire of the senses
Date4 Dec 2006
LocationWat Pa Baan Taad
Content / Description

Why these talks are not suitable for the general audience. The difference with mainstream Dhamma way of teaching. Comments about what “respect to the Teacher” means. The middle way. Heating and cooling: utmost pleasure? The force of sexual desire: the most driving force within us. Who is the one who burns our heart? Flames of greed and hate. Developing Mindfulness. Boiling everything down to the Five Khandas. The Eightfold Path is the path of Sila, Samadhi and Panna. Investigation is teaching the heart to understand. Seeing the Five Khandas in action.