Thai Forest Dhamma

in the tradition of Lungphu Mun Bhuridatto

and his western disciples

Dhamma Talks: Listen Online

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Dhamma talk given byAjahn Martin
TitleNot thinking makes you wiser
Date20 Sep 2015
LocationWat Pa Baan Taad
Content / Description

Not thinking makes you wiser; All of worries, anger, greed comes with thoughts; Upacara samadhi: our safe house; Desire: all our troubles come from our desires (2nd Noble Truth); Exposition of the 4 Noble Truths, the 5 precepts; 3 most difficult things: being born as a human being, finding the true Dhamma, meeting a Buddha or an Arahant; Differences between Thailand and the West: generosity, knowing a living sasana (religion) with ariyas (noble beings); a living relationship: we expect the other to know our desires even if we don't know ourseleves what we want; Generosity/Respect/Gratitude; Kamma: “what you sow is what you reap”, so there is nothing wrong with this world (work environment, friends, family), we just get what we did; Kings in Thailand: they have to be monks for 2 years, this makes a big difference with our kings; Instructions to start practicing meditation; Life experiences of Ajahn Martin before ordaining as a bhikkhu.