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Khotbah dhamma: Listen Online

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Dhamma talk given byAjahn Martin
TitleThe three stages of samadhi
Date5 Nov 2016
LocationPenang (Malaysia)
Content / Description

Talk given at Sri Lankan Temple - Mahindarama Buddhist Temple (Penang / Malaysia). Understanding the truth of dukkha: not only 'suffering' (wrong translation), it's also boredom. restlessness, dissatisfaction, discomfort, pain & suffering. - 5 precepts: following the law given by the Lord Buddha not to go down to the lower realms - Outmoded? The Teaching is always up-to-date because the kilesas have not changed - Samadhi: all worries and fear disappear because thoughts disappear; 3 stages of samadhi: description of khanika, upacara and appana samadhi; Appana samadhi: this is a preview of Nibbana as Luangta Maha Bua describes it; Body: like a car or a biological robot, but the driver (i.e the citta) is not the car, "we are not the body"; Body contemplation: "looks what comes out of this body. do you think the body is still a nice thing?"; Investigation of the mind / nama khandhas: impossible to go through as long as you have not finished to investigate the body first; session of Q&A.