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Khotbah dhamma: Listen Online

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Dhamma talk given byAjahn Martin
TitleAll that you have to do: Buddho
Date26 Jan 2015
LocationWat Pa Baan Taad
Content / Description

Hypnotism & Citta; Patience is the most important; Buddho: if you feel up or down, depressed or angry, just go back to the Buddho; 3 things difficult to obtain: human birth, hearing the true Dhamma, meet the Buddha or an Arahant; Upacara samadhi: a new completely different world, with no thoughts, only experience; Investigation: pain, greed and anger; Dealing with sexual desire: taking the object of desire apart, slice it off or remove the skin; Defiled citta: like a slide projector, we project our view on objects, we don't see them in a clear light; Sati: the only shortcut on the path.