Le Dhamma de la Forêt

dans la tradition thaï de Lungphu Mun Bhuridatto

et ses disciples occidentaux

Dhamma Talks: Ecoute en ligne

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Discours sur le Dhamma donné parAjahn Martin
TitreQ&A – About generosity, body contemplation, pain, women's ordination & the present moment (evening)
Date9 Nov 2016
EmplacementPenang (Malaysia)
Content / Description

Session of Q&A given at Bodhi Heart Sanctuary – Malaysia. Generosity; Body: measure the time you spend cleaning your body, you should do at least as much for your heart; Evening reflection: how to do it and the benefits to see and realize what one is doing during the day; Pain: only fighting pain, you will always loose but you can try to understand it; Sickness and kamma; Old age, sickness and death: we don't want to see them; Women and ordination: even in the time of the Lord Buddha, the bhikkhunis have to pay respect to the bhikkhus even young monks and there was a reason for this; Present moment & past: memory is very important to investigate and see what one is doing; Heaven and Hell.