Dhamma Talks: Ecoute en ligne
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Discours sur le Dhamma donné par | Ajahn Martin |
Titre | Surrendering to the kilesas |
Date | 28 Nov 2015 |
Langue | en |
Emplacement | Wat Pa Baan Taad |
Audience |
Content / Description
Session of Q&A. Surrendering to the kilesas: "Yes my lord avijja, I'll do what you want but please don't send me to Hell!"; Difference between citta, soul and consciousness; Citta, body and illness: exemple of alzheimer and kamma; Kamma: the citta cannot choose the kamma that comes but it can choose to learn out of it; Dreams: they are like thoughts we have during the day, "same garbage as when we sit down", except lucid dreams; Arahants: they still have thoughts but they just pass by, they have "garbage dreams" as well; Kamma and curing sickness: should we take pills? Yes, if you can. If it doesn't work, it's your kamma; Difference between asian and western minds; Monks eating meat: monks should be contented with what is given (meat, vegetable or whatever lay people have).