Le Dhamma de la Forêt

dans la tradition thaï de Lungphu Mun Bhuridatto

et ses disciples occidentaux

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Discours sur le Dhamma donné parAjahn Martin
TitreAll you have to do is to fight
Date12 Jul 2015
EmplacementWat Pa Baan Taad
Content / Description

Kilesas & fighting spirit: loosing out is not the point as long as ou keep fighting; Commentator: what we really experience and what the commentator says in our head differ; Knowledge vs wisdom; Jahna: people confuse the jahnas with samadhi and they believe they need them on the path; Death: if we knew it's only the body that dies, we wouldn't be afraid of death but of kamma, not to do bad deeds; Dukkha: it's not 'suffering' only, people hardly suffer but we all have a lot of dukkha; Burden of the body: like a dog, we have to take it for a walk, move it around all the time; Expectations: don't expect anything, just do the work; Experience of samadhi: it's deeper and lasts longer than all our pleasant experiences in the world; Evening reflection: the important is not to judge but to see objectively what we do during the day.