Le Dhamma de la Forêt

dans la tradition thaï de Lungphu Mun Bhuridatto

et ses disciples occidentaux

Dhamma Talks: Ecoute en ligne

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Discours sur le Dhamma donné parAjahn Martin
TitreWhat is the body and why do we love it?
Date19 Dec 2014
EmplacementWat Pa Baan Taad
Content / Description

Dealing with expectations, how to enter samadhi, learning not to control, seperation of sati and concentration. Body investigation: ageing and sickness, teeth and hair – symbols of beauty, what is love? Reflecting of growing up – training the body, the biological robot, why are we disgusted by the body? Investigating pain as anicca/anatta/dukkha – finding its origin, destroying greed and hate, ordination, rebirth, why do we love the body? Becoming a Nun, transferring merit, past-life connections, body contemplation – to bring up greed and hate and deal with them, hell realm for monks.