Le Dhamma de la Forêt

dans la tradition thaï de Lungphu Mun Bhuridatto

et ses disciples occidentaux

Dhamma Talks: Ecoute en ligne

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Discours sur le Dhamma donné parAjahn Martin
TitreLearn everything like a new born baby
Date1 Jul 2013
EmplacementWat Pa Baan Mai
Content / Description

Talk given to monks. Being a new monk, accepting comments/remarks/advice gratefully, always doing things the same way, training of a bhikkhu is like taming a wild elephant, handling dukkha vedana/painful feeling in the body. 5 khandhas, anicca/dukkha/anatta, respect/generosity/gratitude liaking in westeners, "compared to Thais, we are 2nd class people", learn by trial and error, being disheartened or being "a wise crack" are both terminal illnesses for the practice, forget about pride and nationality, respect is highly valued in heaven, Buddha's prophecies.