Le Dhamma de la Forêt

dans la tradition thaï de Lungphu Mun Bhuridatto

et ses disciples occidentaux

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Discours sur le Dhamma donné parAjahn Martin
TitreDetermination and Effort.
Date24 Sep 2006
EmplacementWat Pa Baan Taad
Content / Description

Determination: a very powerful tool, how to make it stronger. The necessity of enormous patience. Mind as a wild animal and meditation as a pole. Pulling back the mind to the object of meditation. Reaching one-pointedness. What "effort" means. How to develop interest in the object of meditation. Observing the changing nature. Hearing and seeing in line with the truth. Feelings are just feelings. What "restlessness" means. Meditation is a matter of training matter like in the Example of learning piano. Being mindful of the body movements. Training of mindfulness. Breaking down the complex world. Do not get fooled by the names or symbols. The privilege of being born as human being. The Five Precepts: our protection. Listening with the heart.