Thai Forest Dhamma

in the tradition of Lungphu Mun Bhuridatto

and his western disciples

Dhamma Talks: Listen Online

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Dhamma talk given byAjahn Martin
TitleAvijja and the Blender of the Five Khandas
Date8 Jan 2007
LocationWat Pa Baan Taad
Content / Description

Considerations about Avijja, the “Master of Delusion”. Counteracting Avijja with Mindfulness and Wisdom. Running and catching soap bubbles. Rupa, Vedana, Sañña, Sankhara and Viññana just appear and disappear. The pleasant and the unpleasant. The deep Samadhi is the origin of the citta. There is no fear in our true home. The Five Khandas have nothing to do with the One Who Knows them. Anicca (impermanence): arising and ceasing. The Five Khandas: understanding its true nature as a mixture or combination. Watching TV: a simile. Separating the Khandas. Proliferation. Symbols. Fighting for our views and opinions. Being defeated. Having opinions about tea and coffee: a simile. Tasting food. Seeing the loathsomeness of the body. Proving wrong the notorious liar. Questions and answers: there is much more than the things we see.