Thailändisches Wald Dhamma

in der Tradition von Luangphu Mann Bhuridatto

und seiner westlichen Schüler

Dhamma Vorträge: Abspielen

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Vorträge vonAjahn Martin
TitelThe training of a Bhikkhu in the first 5 years
Datum26 Oct 2013
Ort des VortragesWat Pa Baan Mai
Inhalt - Beschreibung

Talk given to monks. Kathina: after this period, time to go back to practice; Heart: dislikes and likes arise in our heart, not because of the environment; Kamma: this world is perfect but we don't see it because our views/opinions/desires are not in line with how the world is; Simile of the taming of the wild elephant: stick your attention to the breath/Buddho like you tie a rope to a pole to tame a wild elephant; 5 years dependence for a new bhikkhu: he should stay with the same teacher, like a child under constant surveillance, now the Kammathana tradition is almost extinguished, most of the monks don't follow the tradition anymore, “incomplete monks” according to Luangta. “Even after 15 years of monkhoot, I asked permission to Luangta to leave”