Thailändisches Wald Dhamma

in der Tradition von Luangphu Mann Bhuridatto

und seiner westlichen Schüler

Dhamma Vorträge: Abspielen

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Vorträge vonAjahn Martin
TitelWe just think we need to do this – the Self
Datum17 Feb 2010
Ort des VortragesWat Pa Baan Taad
Inhalt - Beschreibung

“Don't do onto others what you don't want others to do onto you” - that's kamma, we know it but don't follow it. The brain can only understand conventional reality, to go beyond, we use one-pointedness meditation (buddho or anappana sati). Fear, worries disappear as long as we stay on that point, happiness arises. In upacara samadhi, we feel safe. “The true nature of the citta is knowingness”. One-pointedness / appana samadhi: the senses and the universe disappear, all that's left is this amazing and pure knowingness. The 5 groups/khandhas is what we call “I”, but the observer has nothing to do with them. Attachment to the 5 khandhas brings dukkha. Separate them through investigation. The body doesn't care if it has food or not, it only knows how to digest. The citta is the driver of the body. We have to un-condition what leads to dukkha. Fighting the kilesas is like not giving in to the desires of a crying child. Cannot persuade Avijja to go away, you have to fight. Methods to investigate painful bodily feelings. With your inner eye, you can see clearly all your organs, no need for books.